
Emmerdale confirms huge April update after she is found dead in nightmare development

Rhona watches in horror as April gets drunk in Emmerdale

Progress (Picture: ITV)

The following article contains spoilers from an episode of Emmerdale that hasn’t aired on ITV yet, but is available to view on ITVX.

Marlon Dingle (Mark Charnock) was given huge news about missing daughter April Windsor (Amelia Flanagan) in tonight’s episode of Emmerdale, and it’s left him feeling hopeful.

April has been missing since Christmas Day. The young girl disappeared after clashing with Marlon and the rest of her family, and hasn’t been seen since.

The Emmerdale villagers have done their best to support Marlon by going on searches, sharing posts on social media, and supporting the family as best they can. In tonight’s episode though, Marlon started to notice the amount of help had started to disperse.

After waking from a horrific nightmare that saw Marlon discover April’s dead body, he learnt from Mary (Louise Jameson) that Billy (Jay Kontzle) was the only person who had volunteered to go searching in Leeds.

Marlon reckoned this was because April had been missing for a good few weeks now, and therefore some of the village residents had decided to just carry on with their normal lives.

The feeling of limbo Marlon has been consumed with ever since April disappeared started to overwhelm him later on in the pub. Surrounded by chats about April, Marlon picked up on Mary, Suzy (Martelle Edinborough) and Gail (Rachael Gill-Davis) discussing the prospect of his daughter being dead.

Rhona looks over a broken Marlon's shoulder in Emmerdale
An overwhelmed Marlon snapped at his loved ones (Picture: ITV)
Rhona talks to a shocked Mary in Emmerdale as Marlon watches on
April has been missing since Christmas (Picture: ITV)

With his nightmare fresh in his head, Marlon snapped at everyone and ran to the backroom.

After a chat with Rhona (Zoe Henry), Marlon reflected on the comments from his friends and accepted that they need to consider the prospect of something terrible happening to April.

The couple were then interrupted by a text from Anna, the family liaison officer.

At home, Mary, Marlon and Rhona waited with hope in their eyes. When Anna arrived, she confirmed they had spotted April on CCTV.

Sitting down, the trio watched the blurry clip, which saw April run across a path.

Marlon confirmed that was indeed his daughter, which means his nightmare hasn’t come true.

It’s a huge moment, let’s just hope this means April is close to being found.


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