New Coronation Street romance ‘sealed’ as feelings of love are shared
There has been many false starts for Cassie Plummer (Claire Sweeney) and Steve McDonald (Simon Gregson) over the last few months, but Coronation Street looks set to revisit their spark in forthcoming scenes.
Former Rovers landlord Steve has been unlucky in love since his splitting from ex-wife Tracy Barlow (Kate Ford) last year.
After trying dating apps, he found a connection with Cassie after they were paired together during a speed dating event.
Cassie then started working as a carer for Steve’s father-in-law Ken Barlow (William Roache), which led to them eventually sleeping together.
However, a potential romance was derailed when Steve became suspicious about Cassie’s intentions towards Ken, as he and the Barlow family worried she was trying to fleece him.
Turns out they had reason to be concerned, however, as Cassie recently started secretly drugging Ken in attempt to potentially swindle him, but also keep him needing her care in a strange but toxic relationship.
But next week, Cassie confesses her feelings for Steve to his ex Leanne Battersby (Jane Danson).

Telling her how much she likes him, Leanne urges her to go for it – but will Steve be able to put his (very rightful) suspicions aside?
Actress Claire Sweeney, who plays Cassie, recently of her and Ken’s story: ‘It’s Ken Barlow, he’s a national treasure!’, she said. ‘I’m going to be Public Enemy No 1! I think viewers are going to hate her. The funny thing is that they’ve just started to like her – they were finally warming to her – and then this happens.
‘In my head, playing her, I’m trying to find saving graces, but I don’t know if there will be any. I’m a Corrie fan and I’d be fuming watching this.
‘Already in the summer when I went on holiday to Majorca all the old dears were saying to me: “You leave Ken alone,”. “Don’t you be upsetting Ken now.” And that was before I’d done anything!’
Coronation Street airs these scenes on Friday 14 February at 8pm on ITV1 or stream first from 6am on ITVX.