Coronation Street legend diagnosed with cancer as loved one makes desperate request
Coronation Street legend Kevin Webster (Michael Le Vell) was left devastated when he was diagnosed with testicular cancer in tonight’s episode.
Kevin has had a lot on his plate recently, with wife Abi Webster (Sally Carman) struggling with PTSD.
He has been so concerned with her wellbeing that he refused to tell her that the results of his tests had come back, instead choosing to confide in ex-wife Sally Metcalfe (Sally Dynevor).
Sally accompanied Kevin to the hospital, where he was told that the tests had revealed that he did have cancer, and would need to have a testicle removed to determine what kind of testicular cancer it was.
Kevin very quickly became overwhelmed and rushed out of the doctors office, with Sally quick to follow.
Back at hers, Sally caught on to how frightened Kevin was, and tried her best to comfort him by pointing out that she’d survived cancer, and that his was treatable.
As Kevin fretted that it may be hereditary and resolved to let brother Carl know, Sally urged him to let Abi in, insisting that it was better not to keep her in the dark over something so serious.
Meanwhile, Abi was spending the day with Debbie Webster (Sue Devaney), who had decided that art therapy was the best way forward for Abi.

The pair soon fell into fits of laughter as they examined each other’s paintings, but the mood soon grew sombre when Kevin returned home, and Abi was quick to pick up on the fact that something was wrong.
As Kevin revealed that he had had the results of his tests and been diagnosed with cancer, Abi made it clear that he wished he’d been open about the results from the beginning.
When Kevin admitted that he hadn’t wanted to worry her, given what she was going through, Abi pointed out that it was fine for her to worry ‘a normal amount’ about something like this.
Will Kevin keep Abi in the loop going forward, or will he try to deal with his diagnosis alone?