Devastating news for Coronation Street’s Lauren as Frankie’s diagnosis is confirmed
Lauren Bolton (Cait Fitton) faces fresh heartache over her baby son Frankie’s health in Coronation Street later this month.
Frankie has not had the easiest start to life, having spent the first few months after his birth in an intensive care baby unit.
He was eventually discharged and allowed to go home with Lauren, but she was later arrested and jailed for murdering her abuser and Frankie’s father Joel Deering (Calum Lill).
With Lauren currently behind bars awaiting trial, Frankie is being cared for by Lauren’s close friend Max Turner (Paddy Bever) and the Platts.
In scenes to air later this month, Lauren gets news that there is bruising on Frankie’s body and he’s been admitted to hospital for blood tests.
On Monday 16 December, she gets the results back from the doctor and reveals to Max that it’s more sinister than they would have thought.
Later in the week, Dee-Dee Bailey (Channique Sterling-Brown) visits Lauren and tells her that she’ll try and help her find a donor for Frankie.
Currently pregnant herself and potentially in a position to help the youngster, will she tell Lauren she is also expecting Joel’s baby?

As doctors then officially confirm Frankie’s diagnosis, Lauren’s fears for her young son grow, as a donor search is launched.
With Dee-Dee thinking about having an abortion, she finds that her choice has suddenly been made even tougher…
‘She knows that if Lauren finds out, she’s going to advocate for Dee-Dee to have the baby for a potential donor for Frankie,’ Channique Sterling-Brown, who plays Dee-Dee, reveals. ‘But also, part of her knows that if she does get into that conversation with Lauren, she may change her mind and not make a decision based on what she actually feels is best for her.
‘As much as she wants to be in control, she does have so much compassion for Lauren and Frankie, and they are massively bonded and entwined. And she knows that hearing the ramifications that her decision could have on Lauren and Frankie might really persuade her decision. So, her instinct really is avoidance.’