Distraught Coronation Street mum told child’s ‘injuries’ could be extremely serious
This article contains spoilers about Friday’s episode of Coronation Street, which is already available to stream on ITVX.
Coronation Street’s Lauren Bolton (Cait Fitton) received some deeply concerning news about her infant son Frankie on Friday, as fears for his health mounted once more.
Frankie has not had the easiest start, having spent the first few months of his life in an intensive care baby unit.
He was eventually discharged and allowed to go home with Lauren, but she was later arrested and jailed for murdering her abuser and Frankie’s father Joel Deering (Calum Lill).
Since then, Lauren’s boyfriend Max Turner (Paddy Bever) has been taking care of the youngster, but a series of events led to a concerning development in the latest episode of the ITV soap.
Fans saw how Joel’s parents Gus and Anthea (Chris Garner and Carol Royle) steal Frankie during a visit to see him at the Platts’, before Max launched a frantic hunt to find him.
After taking him to Joel’s memorial, Anthea and Gus returned to the Street and warned Max that ‘things had changed’ and they would be opposing the plans for Frankie to move to be with Lauren in prison on a mother and baby unit.
We then saw prison guards telling Lauren there had been a report of bruising on Frankie’s body.

Back on the Street, social services arrived to take Frankie to the hospital, as Joel’s parents told a horrified Max they would be seeking full custody of the tot.
Later at the hospital, Max went off at Gus and Anthea, who called the police on him and threatened to send him back to prison.
After being questioned at the station, Max was released and broke down to step mum Shona Platt (Julia Goulding), admitting he felt like he had failed Frankie.
Lauren was then seen visiting the hospital to see Frankie, where doctors then gave her a worrying update.

They confirmed Frankie’s bruises were not consistent with trauma and that they could have been caused by something else.
As doctors said they would need to run more tests, a distraught Lauren asked if things could be serious, to which medics were unable to say.
However, spoilers for next week’s episodes have already revealed there is more heartache ahead for Lauren as Frankie’s diagnosis is confirmed.
Will Frankie pull through?