Lauren loses her ‘final’ hope to save baby Frankie in Corrie spoiler video
Lauren Bolton (Cait Fitton) feels hope for baby Frankie slipping through her fingers in last night’s Coronation Street, a spoiler video from the episode reveals.
The young mum has been told her son might have leukaemia or anaemia after he was admitted to hospital with unusual bruising on the ITV soap last week.
A desperate search for a bone marrow donor has since been launched, with Lauren devastated to find out doctors had ruled her out as she’d had Hepatitis C from a dodgy piecing as a teenager.
Meanwhile, Dee-Dee Bailey (Channique Sterling-Brown) has been weighing up whether to have an abortion after finding out she was pregnant after a one-night stand with ex-fiancé Joel Deering (Calum Lill).

She has been agonising over the decision knowing that her baby could be a donor match for Frankie, given evil Joel – who Lauren killed earlier this year – was his father.
As Dee-Dee later visited Lauren and Frankie in hospital, she told Lauren she was pregnant and Lauren was thrilled, pointing out the baby could save Frankie’s life.
But her delight later turned to horror when Dee-Dee then revealed she’d ultimately decided to have an abortion, worried about Joel’s parents, Gus and Anthea (Chris Garner and Carol Royle), seeing how they have launched a custody battle for Frankie.

As this clip from Friday’s episode shows, Lauren confides in boyfriend Max Turner (Paddy Bever) that she feels hopeless that she can’t keep Dee-Dee to keep the baby.
‘They reckon that’s the best chance,’ she tells him, revealing Dee-Dee has been dodging her calls.
As Max says he will speak to her for Lauren, she insists: ‘No, it’s not right. I can’t force her to have Joel’s baby. She’s got to decide what’s right for her.’
But will Max take Lauren’s word as final, or will he take matters into his own hands?