Killer Kim strikes in Emmerdale as enemy goes missing amid baby tragedy
If there’s one lesson any Emmerdale fan would teach a new villager, it’s don’t mess with Kim Tate (Claire King).
Rose has made that mistake to her peril and, as Kim discovers her plotting, she strikes – before Rose then mysteriously disappears.
The police later recover her handbag and Kim is looking shifty – has her killer side returned with a vengeance?
Speaking of killers, Ella Forster (Paula Lane) is trying to make amends with Liam Cavanagh (Jonny McPherson) but when the sonographer tells her that she is not pregnant, it is shattered as he assumes she lied about the pregnancy.
But it’s not quite as black and white as that, as nothing ever is in this village…
Monday July 29
Rose treats the kids explaining she’s bringing the fun to them, as they can’t go out but Will tells her she must not outshine Billy and Dawn’s efforts. Kim is staying at the B&B and with her away, Rose is fully ensconced in Home Farm and she’s even set up a bar.
Meanwhile, Kim has driven to the outskirts to meet the dealer from last week. She wants to know who booked him, desperate to find out who is behind all the problems. The dealer won’t give her the details but she knows it’s not Rose who is the mastermind.
Ella is suddenly in the grips of pain (Picture: ITV)
Pregnant Ella invites Mandy to join her at the scan plus she’s having to have a paternity test for Liam.
Ella is at work when she starts having stomach cramps. Vanessa takes it seriously; she should definitely get checked.
Jai is angry Laurel brought up the mention of solicitors on the anniversary of their wedding and his dad’s death. Laurel is at work and Jai starts making things difficult.
Tuesday July 30
Kim has set her sights on Caleb. She finds Lydia in the café and is conspiratorial as she whispers she has exacted some revenge. Soon Caleb is quizzed by the police about a fire at his work premises, they clearly suspect arson.
Paddy tries to reach out to Liam ahead of Ella’s scan. Liam wants to join Ella for it but she is refusing, but when things go wrong transport wise, Liam is at the scan with her as the sonographer takes the reading, but no foetus can be found.
Before an explanation can be offered Liam is accusing Ella of hoodwinking him – citing how there never was a baby and that is why she didn’t want him at the scan.
Things are difficult at work between Jai and Laurel. He is belittling her and generally making this very awkward for the other employees who are having to listen to him.
In the village Paddy consoles Liam who is aghast Ella could have stooped so low as to have pretended there was a baby. He thinks she is truly unhinged but is there more to this than meets the eye?
Wednesday July 31
Rose is letting things slide seamlessly back to old ways for her and Will. Soon Ruby meets Rose and declares her time is up; she needs to complete the mission she needs to sleep with Will.
Meanwhile at Home Farm, Will is smarting after Kim ignored him earlier as she was too interested in talking to Caleb. Rose spots a man when he’s down and moves in for the kill and Will reciprocates.
A casual chat with Caleb steers Kim’s mind and before long, she turns up at Ruby’s and spots her posh brandy. Telling Ruby, they need to have a little chat, Ruby realises Kim knows and attempts to hold her own, explaining how she is just waiting for the fireworks when Kim’s life implodes.
Ruby voices how Kim’s marriage is over but Kim doesn’t agree.
Thursday August 1
Will tells Rose their night together shouldn’t have happened. Rose says she would like more but then she gets a call from Ruby and her face falls.
Before long Kim walks back into Home Farm, she knows it all and everything implodes.

Samson’s plea hearing is coming up – he is pleading guilty. He knows he is going to prison and he accepts it. Sam and Lydia guess he doesn’t know the reality of what is coming.
Sam asks Aaron if he would mind giving Samson a pep talk about prison. Before long, Sam is alarmed to come across Cain battering and goading Samson but it soon becomes clear he is giving him training for prison. Cain thinks the other inmates will make mincemeat of him. Samson implores him to help him fight dirty.
Moira approaches looking stern, fuming to see Cain larking around with Samson calling him the thug who put Matty in prison. She grabs Samson’s face hard and they all realise she is going to go too far.
Friday August 2
PC Swirling arrives at Home Farm inquiring about the welfare of Rose after finding her handbag. Kim and Will try not to look guilty.
Moira’s affronted that the Dingles are looking after Samson better than Matty.
Caleb is the main suspect in the arson of his own car hire firm. Ruby wracked with guilt to know she caused this with her vendetta against Kim.