
Terror as monstrous Tom King vows to kill Belle Dingle in most evil act yet in Emmerdale

Tom King is confronted by Belle in the vets in Emmerdale

Tom issued a terrifying threat to Belle (Picture: ITV/Mark Bruce/REX/Shutterstock)

Tom King (James Chase) has subjected Belle Dingle (Eden Taylor-Draper) to some horrific ordeals in Emmerdale over the last few months, but his most recent act was perhaps the most evil of them all.

Following a nightmare holiday which saw Belle locked in the house, gaslit and violently attacked by Tom, she finally managed to escape him and seek refuge at Wishing Well Cottage.

However, her nightmare wasn’t over, as she soon discovered that Tom had twisted the situation when Charity and Cain Dingle (Emma Atkins and Jeff Hordley) questioned him about it.

Tom was quick to paint Belle as the villain by revealing that she had had an abortion when she said she’d had a miscarriage, before lying that she had stopped taking her medication.

Back in the Emmerdale village, Belle insisted that she had been taking her medication, before heading back home to pack up her things, where she deleted the app from her phone that allowed Tom to track her whereabouts.

Unfortunately, Tom caught her packing her bags, and locked the doors when he failed to convince her to stay.

He then began to insult her family, continuing to gaslight her by painting himself as the victim, insisting that the Dingle’s were relieved that he’d taken her off their hands.

Tom King speaks to Belle Dingle, who is holding Piper the dog in Emmerdale

Belle found the courage to leave Tom (Picture: ITV)

It seemed as though he’d succeeded in manipulating Belle when she gave in and agreed to stay, until he suggested that they try again for a baby, and she realised what she truly wanted.

As she tried to escape, Tom grabbed her and held her against the wall, insisting that he would kill her before he ever let her leave.

Brave Belle fought back, pointing out what Cain would do to him if he ever found out what had been going on, and soon Tom backed off.

After firing out yet more insults about her family, Tom unlocked the door for her, insisting that it would only be a matter of time before she came back, despite her revealing that their marriage was over.

Back at Wishing Well, Belle sat outside alone, talking to mum Lisa’s ashes about her ordeal, but little did she know that Tom was watching her from behind a tree.

Is he set to go through with his plan to kill her?

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