April found at last in Emmerdale – and she’s been through a shocking ordeal
After months of agonising heartache, April Windsor (Amelia Flanagan) is finally found in Emmerdale. But in what state does she return to broken dad Marlon Dingle (Mark Charnock)?
April went missing after a row with her dad on Christmas Eve. Since then, Marlon has spent every waking moment looking for her, rallying the entire village to help him search.
In the process, he’s come close to sacrificing his marriage, and he’s almost sacrificed himself after collapsing and learning he was on the verge of a second stroke.
The family has faced some huge trials along the way. Wendy sold stories of Rhona Goskirk’s (Zoe Henry) past to the press, causing the couple to become targets for vile trolls. And a pair of cruel influencers found their way into the family home and broadcast from inside April’s bedroom.
Rhona decided to post a reward, which only served to cause more anguish as they upped the money and found themselves inundated with scammers.
There was a ray of hope when April was spotted on CCTV in Leeds, but that light has dimmed every day that has since passed and she’s still out on the streets, alone and without her purse or phone.
April’s disappearance has had a profoundly negative effect on Marlon, and it takes Ross Barton (Michael Parr) to remind him the damage he’s doing to his family.

Marlon confesses why he suddenly has a black eye – he was tricked over the reward money.
Ross can see Marlon withering away before his eyes. He reminds Marlon he has a family at home who needs him. As he arrives home, Rhona is shocked at his appearance but relieved that this might be the thing to make Marlon take a step back.
But Marlon refuses to reveal the story behind his black eye leaving Rhona out on the periphery, further threatening their marriage. Rhona’s relief at him stepping back is short lived as he later tells her he’s heading out to search with Ross.
She implores him to consider their other children and spend more time with Leo and Ivy, which immediately incurs his wrath. He’s not of sound mind and as he’s overwhelmed with emotion, Rhona is left devastated at the toll being taken on him.
Paddy comes to the rescue and encourages Marlon to talk to Rhona. But before Marlon gets too far, there is an ominous visitor – PC Swirling.
Marlon and Rhona are left fearing the worst as his presence signifies that April has been found. But in what state?