All Emmerdale spoiler pictures for next week as Steph gets the shock of her life
Dylan faces some questions (Picture: ITV)
Ketamine has gone missing from the surgery and it’s found in his coat (Picture: ITV)
Sarah heads to see Manpreet with Charity (Picture: ITV)
Manpreet encourages Sarah to take another test, which comes back negative (Picture: ITV)
Sarah is left upset, wondering if this was her only chance at having a baby (Picture: ITV)
Determined to figure out what happened to her granddad, Steph begins to investigate (Picture: ITV)
Caleb is spooked to discover what she’s up to (Picture: ITV)
Vanessa praises Mary in the wake of Suzy’s funeral (Picture: ITV)
Mary listens in on the conversation and is riddled with guilt (Picture: ITV)
Steph lies in a bid to try and catch Caleb out, claiming Anthony has turned up in France (Picture: ITV)
Aaron warns Caleb to get a handle on the situation (Picture: ITV)
Gail uncovers a big secret (Picture: ITV)
She realises that Mary’s feelings for Suzy were more than unrequited love (Picture: ITV)
Dylan suffers an overdose and is rushed to hospital (Picture: ITV)
Marlon admits that he planted the drugs on him (Picture: ITV)
Dylan is keen to keep the truth hidden as he doesn’t want April to suffer any more than she already has (Picture: ITV)
Dylan wants to see April before he heads off to rehab (Picture: ITV)
April lashes out, still believing that he stole the drugs from the vets (Picture: ITV)