Blood-soaked Tom discovered amid brutal revenge in Emmerdale
Tom King’s (James Chase) increasingly being backed into a corner, but he’s not going down without a fight in Emmerdale.
Even Nicola (Nicola Wheeler) is now distrusting of her nephew, having picked up on son Carl’s behaviour around him. He’s slowly unravelling. Desperate Tom had Belle (Eden Taylor-Draper) arrested for breaking her bail conditions in an attempt to undermine her once again.
To a certain extent it worked, as it triggered her mental health to spiral, and she ended up having herself voluntarily sectioned.
It was a pathetic attempt to regain the upper hand as Tom knows he’s losing the fight.
But DS Foy may have given a little foreshadowing of what’s to come after he emphatically told Belle he believes her. He’ll stop at nothing to bring Tom to Justice.
So, it doesn’t go down well with Tom when he finds himself getting arrested. Now he has to think on his feet to claim back his beloved control.
Laurel Thomas (Charlotte Bellamy) finds him outside the church covered in blood, claiming he’s been brutally attacked. She takes him at his word and tries to help. But alarm bells should ring when he refuses to go to the A&E or the police.

Not for Jimmy (Nick Miles) though, who thinks the sun shines out of Tom’s rear end. Having had a few doubts about his nephew, seeing him in such a state makes them quickly vanish.
He even dismisses his own wife’s concerns. This couldn’t work out better for Tom. Jimmy quickly backs Tom and slings an accusation at Sam, claiming he attacked Tom given that he’s got form.
But while he thinks he might have had a win with that one, Tom doesn’t realise just how unstuck he’s become.
As Bonfire Night rolls around, he is sickened to discover that the ‘Guy’ being put on the bonfire bears striking similarities to him.
Then, in an I Am Spartacus moment, each Dingle claims to be the one behind the effigy.
Frustrated and perturbed, Tom handles his emotions in the way he knows best – by taking them out on someone else, and with Belle out of the picture, he picks Amelia Spencer (Daisy Campbell). How much of his anger will he take out on her?