Devastated Moira breaks down as she gets her operation results in Emmerdale – and they’re not good
As Moira Dingle (Natalie J Robb) continues to recover from her brain surgery in Emmerdale, she’s trying her best to act like life is back to normal.
Moira was diagnosed with a brain tumour after she started having seizures, mood swings and memory lapses. Over recent weeks she hasn’t been able to be left alone in case she suffered another seizure and she found the loss of her independence hard to bear.
As she approached the surgery she was terrified that she would die during the procedure, or be left unable to care for herself.
The hope was that the surgery would be the end-point of all this, and that she would be cured and soon back to her old self.
In upcoming episodes she tries to get back to some normality and sets about planning a surprise birthday party for Cain (Jeff Hordley), though Matty (Ash Palmisciano) strongly advises her that it’s too much for her to take on and she needs to rest.
When Moira had her operation to remove her brain tumour, samples were sent to be tested to find out whether she needs any further treatment. As she waits to get her results back she really wants Cain by her side but he hasn’t turned up.
Elsewhere Cain is trying to get to the hospital but his car has been blocked in by Jai (Chris Bisson). With tensions running high, Cain reacts in his most hot-headed way and is soon arrested by PC Swirling (Andy Moore).

He begs for a phone call with Moira, and she’s shocked to hear he’s been arrested. She reassures him that she’s had the pathology results and everything’s fine.
The truth is that the results – which she had to get on her own – were not as good as she’d hoped and she’ll have to have radiotherapy over the coming weeks. This huge setback leaves Moira reeling and when Matty tries to comfort her they both end up in tears as Moira faces the prospect of gruelling treatment and an uncertain future once again.
After Swirling lets Cain off with a caution he eventually makes it back home after getting drunk at the allotment. Moira is furious with him and tells him that he needs to pull himself together for his party the next day.
But viewers know that the reason for Cain’s off-the-rails behaviour is that he’s labouring under a very guilty secret. While Moira was having her surgery, Cain slept with his sister-in-law, Ruby Fox-Miligan (Beth Cordingly).
Cain can’t live with what he’s done and braces himself to tell Moira the truth.
‘Yes, he can’t handle the situation, so he’s masking it and trying to push it down somewhere else by drinking or avoiding situations’, actor Jeff Hordley said.
‘But it’s all there, every day, when we sees Moira, who’s obviously suffering with her illness. He’s feeling terribly guilty about what he did and the way he did it.
‘The day that she was in the hospital, having an operation he went and slept with his sister in law, which is just the worst. He knows if that comes out nobody’s gonna have sympathy with it, nobody.’