Coronation Street confirms unexpected diagnosis as legend’s exit ‘sealed’ in 22 pictures
Lauren is left reeling when she receives Frankie’s blood test results (Picture: ITV)
When Max arrives, Lauren shares the news, telling him that it’s much worse than they thought (Picture: ITV)
With Audrey pretending be unwell, Gail insists that she take her temperature (Picture: ITV)
When Gail’s back is turned, Audrey dunks the thermometer into a cup of tea! (Picture: ITV)
Gail checks the thermometer (Picture: ITV)
The plan works successfully, with Gail worried about her mum courtesy of the high reading (Picture: ITV)
Daisy asks after Shona, which piques the former’s interest (Picture: ITV)
Shona subsequently confides in Adam, telling him that she lied to David (Picture: ITV)
David is out in the car with Audrey when he spots Shona and Adam from afar (Picture: ITV)
Lisa is left unsettled during a trip to the bistro (Picture: ITV)
Carla is having lunch with a client, who is flirting with her (Picture: ITV)
Will Lisa be able to hide her jealousy as she heads over to speak to Carla? (Picture: ITV)
Audrey receives a visit from Matty and Logan (Picture: ITV)
They’re after the missing money (Picture: ITV)
David gets quite a shock when he returns to see the two thugs sitting in the salon (Picture: ITV)
Dee-Dee pays Lauren a visit at the hospital (Picture: ITV)
Dee-Dee offers her support to Frankie, suggesting that she help her find a donor (Picture: ITV)
Gail has a pre-wedding pampering session at the salon with her nearest and dearest (Picture: ITV)
Audrey, however, threatens to spoil the mood as she can’t resist making remarks about Gail’s choice of husband (Picture: ITV)
Bobby, Kirk and Fiz get quite the shock as they arrive at Carla’s flat to find Lisa (Picture: ITV)
Lisa is wearing a dressing gown and will have to explain why she is there (Picture: ITV)
Carla pops her head around the corner, wanting to know where Lisa has gone. Is her relationship set to be revealed? (Picture: ITV)
Coronation Street confirms another high-octane week next week, as seen in my new spoiler pictures, with upsetting news in store for a number of residents while another plans her exit.
The exit in question is Gail Platt (Helen Rodwell), who is preparing to depart the eponymous Street after 50 years.
The legend puts the finishing touches on her upcoming Christmas wedding and, ahead of proceedings, she informs Shona (Julia Goulding) and Sarah (Tina O’Brien) that she’s arranged a pre-wedding pampering session at the salon.
The session in question, however, doesn’t exactly go as planned, with Audrey Roberts (Sue Nicholls) making a number of scathing remarks about Gail’s soon-to-be husband.
Expect conflict aplenty!
Elsewhere, Carla Connor (Alison King) tells the factory workers to take the afternoon off following a power cut.
Bobby (Jack Carroll), however, invites Kirk (Andy Whyment) and Fiz Stape (Jennie McAlpine) back to the flat to carry on drinking and DS Lisa Swain (Vicky Myers) emerges in her dressing gown!
Is Carla and Lisa’s secret relationship set to be revealed?
You’ll just have to wait and see!

And there’s also sadness in store for Lauren Bolton (Cait Fitton), who receives Frankie’s blood test results and she’s forced to tell Max Turner (Paddy Bever) that it’s much worse than they thought.
It’s going to be quite a week on the cobbles.