1. Monday, February 17: Ro’s bullying ordeal continues
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Arlo continues to target him.
2. Monday, February 17: Ro has had enough
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He stands up to Arlo and a fight breaks out.
3. Monday, February 17: Oscar interrupts
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He arrives with homework for Ro, but inadvertently gets caught up in the clash.
4. Monday, February 17: Diane arrives
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Oscar is now in a bad way.
5. Monday, February 17: Ro is very worried
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The situation has spiralled badly out of control.
6. Monday, February 17: Rex is up to no good
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He’s still manipulating Dillon.
7. Monday, February 17: Rex and Kat are in cahoots
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They catch up at the garage.
8. Monday, February 17: Rex tries to stay in control
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Will he get everything he wants from Dillon?
9. Wednesday, February 19: Vicky is worried
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The secret over who was the father of her baby is under threat.
10. Wednesday, February 19: Vicky isn’t sure what to do
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She speaks to Grace.
11. Wednesday, February 19: Vicky seeks support from Grace
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An unlikely ally.
12. Wednesday, February 19: Grace is thoughtful
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