Hollyoaks spoilers follow for Tuesday’s (March 24) episode that is now available to view on Channel 4 streaming. The episode in question will air on E4 on at 7pm.
Sienna Blake (Anna Passey) was convinced that a diagnosis of motor neurone disease was imminent following an unexpected collapse at her flat.
The former high school teacher was excited about the prospect of going on holiday with Cleo McQueen (Nadine Mulkerrin) when she fell to the floor.
An ambulance was summoned and Sienna was raced to hospital, where doctors confirmed that she was experiencing temporary paralysis.
Sienna, however, feared that her ordeal was proof that she has motor neurone disease, recalling Patrick Blake’s (Jeremy Sheffield) diagnosis and subsequent ordeal.
Jez (also Jeremy Sheffield) was adamant that she wait for confirmation from doctors before jumping to conclusions but Sienna insisted that he take her concerns seriously.
Cleo, meanwhile, popped by to see Sienna, having received word of her hospitalisation, promising to be there for her.
Fearful of what the future holds, Sienna pulled away from Cleo and urged her to stay away, saying some cruel words in order to ensure her new flame got the message.

As soon as Cleo left, Sienna burst into tears, clearly devastated at the prospect of missing out of a future with the McQueen.
Will Sienna’s fears come to pass?
That remains to be seen but next week her health concerns continue to grow, with Jez and Martha Blake (Sherrie Hewson) seriously worried about her.

Jez confides in new therapist Tommy Odenkirk (Brandon Fellows) that he’s struggling with his emotions while trying to support Sienna.
But will Tommy – who is harbouring a secret of his own – provide any good advice for the concerned father?